jphastings Loving the different modes of play — Very immersive despite my crummy graphics card! |
fstid A beautiful, creative work. Fun and engaging in whatever dose you like. |
infovore Wonderful; lovely exploration around the main draw, and a surprisingly deep combat engine, that will quickly shed any appearance of "button mashing" if you give it the chance. More importantly, there's barely any sense of "here's the stealth bit, here's the fighting bit", even though that's roughly what's happening; rather, you just feel like Batman. All the time. (Also: the voicework is great). |
metabrew linear gameplay, everything feels entirely scripted. hand-to-hand combat is boring, just mash the buttons to kick ass - no skill required. |
roserpens It's fucking Batman. No other batman game has been Batman before. |
jwheare Great combat model, good stealth, captures the spirit of Batman. |