Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII

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daelen I'm about 12 hours in and currently really enjoying it. The storytelling is improved due to the very linear nature, but actually I don't mind it so far. The paradigm system keeps combat interesting and dynamic. Can't wait to get further into it.

Yes Mon 15 Mar 2010 2:37pm reply


muz Absolutely stunning visuals, with an amazing job done on the audio, this is a game which certainly indulges the senses. This said, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone and their mum given it does require a fair amount of persistance, patience, concentration and a vague level of interest in RPG/FF style games.

Maybe Wed 10 Mar 2010 12:26pm reply


fritzon A series of tubes that are about as fun as riding on The Tube. Nothing left from what I loved about FFXII. Go away! 20h in things are getting interesting but it's not worth the effort.

No Sat 6 Mar 2010 2:12am reply