Alpha ProtocolAlpha Protocol

roserpensroserpens It had potential.. Some of the acting is really great. But it's really painful to play. Worst things about it, saving is only possible at check points. Coversations are quick time events! Argh!!! There are all sorts of other bugs, like guards disappearing when loading a save and irritating movement glitches that reposition you to face a wall when you pass through some invisible barrier while walking and changing direction at the same time.
The balance is way off, I try on normal and got so sick of the glitches and the constant need to load from check points that I set it to easy, where you get to play dangerous missions with almost no guards.
The thing that annoys me the most though, are the terrible minigames. My god they are tedious! And actually stupidly hard when they flash a screen of numbers at you and you have to find the ones that didn't change while a timer counts down. So fucking pointless. Oh and when you fail it, you have to reload to the checkpoint way back when. Sounds like a fun evening..

It looks like obsidian has officially cemented it's reputation for releasing unfinished unpolished games.

Another thing.. This is quite unfair, but 3rd person shooters have a hell of a high bar to reach since Mass Effect 2. Compared to ME2 the controls are just so clunky I feel like I'm swimming in glue.

No Sun 30 May 2010 2:20pm 1 reply

  • roserpens roserpens I might finish it for the story if I can find a god mode cheat however.

    Sun 30 May 2010 2:23pm

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